Malaysian Bands, Choirs and Musicals

Impressions comprises of a group of Christians from different churches and denominations who have come together with a vision to proclaim the gospel through creative arts: music, mime, song and dance. As early as 1978, Impressions were founded when a group of young people from Malaysia Youth For Christ (YFC) pooled their talents and resources together to form a music team. The team sang and performed at school and college YFC clubs, rallies and churches.
Legacy is a collection of their original songs performed by members of the band. Lead vocals were performed by John Tan, Ritchie Tay, Juwita Suwito , Loretta Chin, Carol Anita Nair and James Yee. The album was produced by James Yee, Steve Leong and Ritchie Tay.
The album Legacy is a reflection of the legacy of the band over the last 24 years.
Contact: Jackie Looi
Tel: 60-3- 78769534, 019- 3656535
E mail: kklooi@time.net.my or impressions_creative_arts@hotmail.com