
Wah Lok
Welcome to my devotional page. I have written these devotions specially for those involved in the worship ministry. As you read them daily, I hope you will walk closer with God. Try to do one devotion per day and not all at one go. I pray my devotional thoughts will help you dedicate your music to God.
Amos 5:23-24 Take away from Me the noise of your songs, For I will not hear the melody of your stringed instruments. But let justice run down like water, And righteousness like a mighty stream.
John 14:15 "If you love Me, keep My commandments.
John 15:10 If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love.
When I discovered the verses in Amos 5, I was taken aback. God rejected their songs because their lives were not right before Him. God was more interested in righteousness and justice but Israel was more interested in rituals. When I studied about loving God in the New Testament, I found that God did not measure our love for Him by how well we can sing or write love songs for Him. God measures our love for Him purely by how well we keep His commandments. This was a revelation to me. If we cannot keep God's commandments, we should not be writing or singing any worship songs. God will simply not accept them.
Most people know me as a song writer. I have written over 100 songs in 23 years. But what is the use of songs if there is no life message and experience behind the songs ? This truth came to me like a ton of bricks.
Today music has often become the focus of our worship instead of God. If you take away the music band, you may lose half of your congregation to the church next door who have a good music team. In reality, God should be the focus of our worship. Music is purely a vehicle. In many occasions in the Bible, music was not even present in worship. Remember that God values a righteous life more than our beautiful songs.
Father I pray you will help me to keep Your commandments. That is my greatest expression of love to You.
© Copyright: Ng Wah Lok 2003
Email: wahlok.fgt@gmail.com Wesbsite: www.tabernaclemusic.net