Bernard McDonagh
Bernard McDonagh came to Christ in his home town of Geraldton, Western Australia in 1980. He moved to Sydney in early 1986 to study at the International Institute for Creative Ministries (I.I.C.M.). He completed the Music Diploma course, majoring in guitar. He graduated with honours in December 1987, also winning unit awards in 3 subjects.
Bernard and his wife came to live in Malaysia in 1991. Since then he has worked full time, teaching music at international schools in K.L. He has been active in the local church-music scene for most of this time, including church music on a weekly basis, inter-church and inter-denominational meetings, rallies, workshops and seminars, as well as recording sessions and writing articles. He remains passionate about music and the artistic vocation, and continues to hope for better things in Christian music. He and his wife have one beautiful daughter!
P/s. Bernard played acoustic guitars in the albums "Every Time I Pray", "Shining Stars" and "Together We Stand"
E-mail: berniemusic@yahoo.com