KB Chan
Pastor KBCHAN is a worship leader, a songwriter and Christian recording artiste with a Psalmist anointing. He has so far released six Christian albums being, ‘Revival is in this Land', which has 6,000 copies sold in 1989, ‘In a Sacrifice of Praise' in 1991, ‘Look on our Fields' done in the USA in 1992, ‘The New Season' in 1994, ‘A Song in the Night' in 2002 and now the latest worship album called ‘Intimacy – a worship experience' 2005. All the albums have been well received locally and abroad. So far KB has written more than 60 songs.
Saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit in August 1987, he spent the earlier part of his ministry reaching out to the small churches in the East Cost of Malaysia and moved among some AOG churches in Kuala Lumpur back in 1989-1991 while still working in the bank. He was called into full time ministry in July 1992 after working in a bank for 23 years.
While preparing to serve the Lord in a big way in 1994, the doctors told him that his kidneys had failed and he needed to go for dialysis three times a week. He has been a dialysis patient for more than 10 years now. In spite of his physical condition, he still carries his keyboard and ministers to smaller churches locally. He was a worship Pastor for two years in a local church.
Ordained and recognized as a minister in 1996, he started a ministry of worship and intercession called ‘Sweet Incense'. Many lives have been touched and transformed by his music as he ushers them into the throne room of God. His life and testimony have been a good testimony of God's grace and provision in times of needs. He has been acknowledge as a ‘walking miracle' and spends his time witnessing to new dialysis patients and has brought many to the Lord these 10 years.
In July 2003, his kidneys were removed because doctors said it was life threatening. It was a miraculous operation and doctors took five and a half hours to perform the operation. In spite of the fact that he has no kidneys and has to do dialysis three times a week, the Lord strengthens and restores his ministry to the nation. He is now traveling across the nation to minister in churches and camps and has brought much comfort to the hurting and the broken-hearted. He has just completed his sixth album called 'Intimacy-a worship experience'. Pastor KBCHAN is married with two daughters. One is married to an Australian and they are both Pastors and his younger daughter is a graduate.
Website: www.kbchan.net
E mail : sweetincense@hotmail.com