Singaporean Praise

Pastor Wah Lok
Over the last few years, I have discovered some people in Singapore making an impact with their Gospel music. Interestingly, these Christian music producers and songwriters face very similar problems like Malaysian music producers face. There is very little infrastructure to market their albums and they face huge competition from Western recording labels. I have also discovered that there is no single website that features all of the Singaporean Gospel albums. I have hence made it my goal to collect as many Singaporean albums and feature them in my website. This page is dedicated to all Singaporean music producers and songwriters.
We Belive - Community of Praise Baptist Church with worship leader, Jun Undag
“We Believe” is the first album recorded by the Community of Praise Baptist Church Singapore, a life-giving cell-based church that is passionate for Jesus and His Glory in the nations. With a congregation that is culturally and internationally diverse, the songs in this album represent the special sense of unity in the manifest presence of God. Worship Pastor, Jun Undag composed most of the songs in the album. Timothy Das and Stephen Findley were the other 2 song writers. This is a church based recording involving many members from the church.
Lord, You Are Great! / Come Everybody, Let's Praise the Lord! /Sing to the Lord / He is the One / Who is Like the Lord / You Are My All / Lord, Be Glorified / For the Cross / Life-Giving Community / The Year of the Favour of the Lord / We Believe! / Jehovah Rapha
Church Website : www.cpbc.org.sg
Jon Wee – Be With You
Singer-Songwriter, Jon Wee has a passion to write music to touch lives. Be with You is his debut album with 9 songs, among them, Be with You, Sorry, Sunshine, Be Strong, The Old Rugged Cross and How great Thou Art. This is a bi-lingual album with both English and Mandarin songs.
Jon’s early music influence came from his church experience since the age of 13. It was only in recent years that he started exploring the commercial music sector. It was this exposure that gave him a greater inspiration to write more songs. Songwriting is a journey to him and he desires to make a greater impact by networking with other musicians. Jon’s ultimate goal is to use his songs to bring people closer to the God.
E mail : jonjonwee@gmail.com
Agape – New Life Christian Church |
Agape & Keep the Fire Burning feature songs written by songwriter Chris Chuah from New Life Christian Church, Singapore. Both these albums were produced by Chris with his church music team, Malcolm Tan, Olivia, Wah Wah, William Lee, Lai Huey Ling and Luki Sugiarto. Charles, Clement, Andrew Tan and Chris Chuah arranged the songs. William Lee and Melanie Piasosa wrote one song in the album, Lord Take My Life. The album Agape also features guest artistes Patrick Leong and Gabby Tham from Malaysia. |
Thy Deliverees – The Second Delivery |

Thy Deliverees is a Christian music ministry that writes, produces and shares original Gospel songs. Songs they have written are inspired from the Bible, life testimonies and personal encounters with God.
Thy Deliverees started their journey in November 2004 when the first "Deliveree", Philip Chong responded to God's calling after penning down their first song "I need You, Lord". Since then, God has shown Philip the vision of the Gospel being shared to every corner of the earth through songs and Gospel music. Philip has now linked up with other musically gifted "Deliverees" to come together with a heart to serve in God's Kingdom.
Meanwhile, God has blessed Thy Deliverees with beautiful heavenly songs. On Dec 2004, Thy Deliverees released their Christmas single called "Peace on Earth". In March 2005, they released their debut English album entitled "Saved!"
In September 2007, Thy Deliverees has released their second Chinese album entitled “You are my Light”. It took one year to complete production of this album. Philip had a call to use his musical gift to reach the Chinese-speaking population, especially the elderly. With that urge, God heard his prayers and opened the door to him produce their second album.
E mail: philipchong@thydeliverees.com
Website: www.thydeliverees.com
music of Our Hearts - Michael Chan |
Michael Chan began writing songs at the age of 19, two years after he came to the Lord. Influenced by his bilingual background, much of his music has a Chinese pop feel to it. It was only upon his entry into Sunday School, that his music began to be sung by the church, beginning with O I Will Praise You All Day Long. His music was also used by his mission school in their chapel services. It was then that he realised that his music could be appreciated by both children and adults.
In June 2003, in collaboration with a group of youths and an old friend in the school he used to teach in, Michael poured out whatever remains of his life savings to produce the album music of Our Hearts at Polydox Studios in Singapore. The youths refused to be paid for their service, and neither did his friend - all knew the special significance of this album. The wordings within the album said it all, "We have not the skillful hands of David, neither have we the heavenly voices of angels. But to You, O Lord, we give The music of Our Hearts."
The music of Our Hearts contains the following songs, mostly composed by Michael:
1. O I Will Praise You All Day Long, a ballad of worship, with a simply yet haunting melody.
2. How Great Thou Art, another ballad of worship, co-sung by Joshua Thia. This song tends to be favoured by adults over the previous.
3. I Trust In God, a fast song declaring God's power and majesty.
4. In Everything Give Thanks, a simple fast children's song composed by Gregory Peck, and sung by the cute voice of Ingrid Tham.
5. Jesus Is King, another simple fast children's song composed and sung by Gregory Peck.
6. Song of Christ's Children , a cutsey song meant to be sung by children, and Michael's first foray into children's music, sung by Joshua Thia.
7. New Song, a fast song declaring our love for God.
8. Revival, a fast song exhorting the people of God to rise up and be strong.
9. The instrumental piece for O I Will Praise Him All Day Long , played by the able hands of Ingrid Tham.
Website : http://media.tentalentsgroup.com/music-of-our-hearts/
Contact Michael Chan at : senseimichael@gmail.com
Clouds of Praise music Ministry |

Clouds of Praise, a self-supported Chinese and Catholic-based evangelical music ministry, is formed mainly by family units and there are 39 members to date since it was formed in 2001. 5 members in this group are full-time missionaries.
Our mission is to
- compose more Chinese hymns that would help people in their spiritual growth and lead them to feel the presence of the Lord and turn to Him through praise and worship
- evangelise to the Chinese community the Good News and build Christ-centred family life through His words.
- lead and motivate Chinese believers in spreading the Good News
In all we have self-produced and recorded 6 albums since 2001, one of the latest being a kids’ praise ‘I Always Want To Be In The Joy Of Lord 我要常在基督内喜乐’. The lively and upbeat songs are our heart songs of hopes and love for the Lord who has always graced us with His joy and peace. In this kids’ praise, some are written by our children.
Another album ‘The Stars, The Moon and The Sun星星、月亮、太阳’,which was launched at the same time as the kids’ praise recently this year, is a collection of our thirst and cries to our Lord to bless us in this ministry as we journey on with many challenges, trials and persecutions. The songs are also our response to our loving God’s call – To praise and glorify His name forever in whatever we do.
Many of the songs, since day 1 in 2001, have helped through the grace of the Lord to touch, heal and bless those people who have used them as their prayers.
For more information kindly contact
Clouds of Praise Evangelical music Ministry云彩赞美音乐福传事工
Website: www.cloudsofpraise.sg
Email: contact@cloudsofpraise.sg
去结常存的果实; 如此,你们因我的名无论向父求什么, 他必赐给你们.] - 若 15:16

You are My God – Church of Praise |
“You Are My God”, is the Church of Praise’s Creative Arts Team second release following their debut album “In Your Presence”. All 10 songs in this album are composed by their own church members. The songs reflect their heart and passion to celebrate God’s greatness and majesty.
Songs like "Lord You Are Worthy" and "You Are My God" are congregational worship songs that will inspire you to adore the Almighty God. “Whom Have I in Heaven”, a popular song in the church, is a personal psalmist song suitable for daily devotions. The album also has songs with modern genres written by a younger generation of songwriters eg “Live For You”, “Everything To Me” and “I Can’t Find Another Word”. Young people can easily related to these songs.
For more information kindly contact
Church of Praise - Singapore
Website: www.churchofpraise.org.sg
Email: admin@churchofpraise.org.sg

Female Vocalists from left to right Wendy,
Eeleen (songwriter), Michelle, Rachael & Diana |

Tenors from left William (vocal arranger)
& Timothy (songwirter) |

From left Alvin (music arranger) & Ricky (producer & songwriter) |

Benjamin - The Saxophonist |

Male Vocalists from left Dennis,Richard,Dean,Zelig & Jason |

Church of Praise 20th Anniversary & CD launch |
CROSS – City Harvest Church, Singapore |
CROSS is a live worship recording by City Harvest Church in April 2005 led by worship leader Sun Ho and her worship team. Alison Yap served as Choir Director. This is a double album consisting of 18 lively praise and worship songs. The praise songs are certainly upbeat with a lot of guitar work. Gan Khek Chyan contributed many songs to this album including Yours is the kingdom, Free, Hold me close, In the name of Jesus I believe and Breathe. Gan also co-wrote Cry, My Source and Crossing over with Gloria Lim. Another songwriter Mark Kwan wrote Call Upon, Extraordinary (co-written with Daniel and Leah Prigle), One (co-written with Gan) , Refuge (co-written with Sun Ho), Holy (Co-written with Willam Ng) and Heart after You (co-written with Caroline Tien).. Sun Ho co-wrote I Give with Davie Yem. Caroline Tien wrote Come Holy Spirit.
My source is an excellent worship song and the song carries a strong anointing.
The album was produced by Daniel and Leah Pringle. The post production mixing and mastering was done in Los Angeles.
Website : www.chc.org.sg or www.cross.com.sg

When ? – Friends from the Far east |
"When?" is an album of 11 original uplifting songs of encouragement and worship. All the songs were written by Singaporean Composer Fang Seng. The songs are arranged in a bouquet of musical styles with a touch of Asia, sung with conviction and sincerity. Musical arrangement are done by Christopher Fong and vocal and choral arrangements by Babes Conde. This musical work is by the Friends From The East - singers, musicians and artists from more than 5 local churches, from various professions and hail from countries in the region - Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore. The producers drew inspiration from their Asian cultural heritage to create an album tastefully blending Eastern and Western artistic expressions

The album opens with an upbeat and rousing praise celebration “The Harvest Will Come”. Following this, is a prayerful duet inviting the Holy Spirit to “Let Your Anointing Fall” upon us. The baroque string-inspired worship song “Jesus We Adore You” with a soaring violin solo is next. The album continues with the meditative prayer “Teach Me Your Ways”, sung in folk style with guitar, flute and inspirational vocals.
The title track “When?” expresses the lonely cries and unwavering trust in the Lord in the midst of the storms of life. During such times, the firm assurance from the Lord that He is with us, weeping with us, and “His Heart is Moved”. A touch of India is next in the reassuring words of the Lord, “Never Will I Abandon You”. The strains of the emotionally moving oriental er-hu and guzheng accompanies us as we confess confidently “Lord I'll trust In You” - a tasteful blend of Chinese and R&B influences. This builds up to the feet-tapping proclamation of victory that “I Can Do All Things Through Christ” in R&B style.
The CD closes with 3 unplugged numbers, the heart-warming fellowship song “That's What Friends Are For”, and the intimate prayer to the Lord to “Rekindle the Fire”, and an instrumental jazz reprise of “Let Your Anointing Fall” with soprano saxophone and piano.
WHEN? presents a distinctive praise sound from Singapore ! With stunning harmonies, scriptural, uplifting lyrics and tight rhythms, this wonderful praise and worship album will draw you into the throne room and lift your spirit and heart. - Koorong, Australia
Galvin - Above All Else |

 Galvin has been writing songs for God since the beginning of the year 2001 when he and his family came to know the Lord through his younger sister's leukemia condition. The songs are birthed through his personal walk, some which were written as a form of encouragement for others. By His grace, Galvin has been able to do simple acoustic recordings of his songs and release them to the Church of Jesus Christ at large through the internet, which many had returned comments to say how much they had been blessed by some of the songs.
"ABOVE ALL ELSE" was a free offline distribution project in 2004 to bless the offline community with the opportunity to hear of some of the compositions in which approximately 200 cds were given or mailed out to as far as the United States. It was a really humbling experience to know how much God can use those songs to minister to others. A compilation of some of the favourite songs is in the pipeline for the end of 2005. All songs, lyrics and chords are available at
Email: galvin@worshipsingapore.com
Website: http://galvin.worshipsingapore.com/
Songs Site: http://galvin.worshipsingapore.com/cd/
PEACE ON EARTH is a single, released by THY Deliverees. Reggie Goh wrote the song and sang lead vocals. While writing the song. Reggie was thinking about the helpless and fearful children living in war-torn zones like the Middle-East. He says, “Are the children really dreaming of a white Christmas? What they are dreaming is just a peaceful Christmas”. With this statement, he penned down this touching piece. This song was originally planned to be in Thy Deliverees debut album SAVED. However, the recording was completed about 3 weeks before 2004 Christmas and hence it was released as a Christmas blessing. PEACE ON EARTH was initially recorded with 9 adults and 3 children's voices. But during the final mix, the producer Philip Chong decided to use only Reggie's voice as the main vocal to reach a “united” feel of the song. All the other voices were brought in for the finale.
E Mails:
philipchong@thydeliverees.com and
Thy Deliverees is a ministry that writes and produces original gospel songs, getting inspirational lyrics from the Bible, testimonies, poetry and personal experiences with God. The ministry was started by Philip Chong. Other songwriters in the group include Reggie Goh and Norman Neo. The group works closely with Singapore 's well known music producer, John Kuek who arranges the songs and serves as Executive Producer.
SAVED is their debut album with 8 tracks. The lyrics for the title track SAVED was written by Reggie and the song is his personal testimony. Philip composed the music. B oth Reggie and Philip chose SAVED as the title track because they know there are many unsaved people in the world who need to hear the Gospel and this album serves as a strong tool to spread His word.
Norman Neo wrote and presented the touching song WHENEVER A DOOR IS CLOSED ON YOU nearly 13 years ago. This song has the best feedback among all the songs in this album. DARKEST HOUR is another touching song written by Philip Chong. Philip shares his personal testimony in the song. Philip is indeed gifted in song composition and wrote most of the melodies in this album. Lyricist, James Goon wrote lyrics for 3 songs, FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD, O LORD KEEP ME CLOSE TO YOU and YOUR WORD.
Interestingly, within 2 hours upon the release of the album SAVED, the songs touched a 5 year-old girl who drew a vision that these songs could save sad souls and change them into smiling and happy faces! Glory to God!
E mail:
philipchong@thydeliverees.com and
Mailing address:
18 Kaki Bukit Road 3
#04-19 Entrepreneur Business Centre
Singapore 415978
IN YOUR PRESENCE by Church of Praise (Singapore) |
"In Your Presence" was birthed out of a period of the Lord's unique visitation in Church of Praise. All the songs were written by their own members with an emphasis on revival worship. Capture the spirit of spiritual restoration with songs like "River Of God", "Revival Is Here", "Here We Are" and "In Your Presence"
A complimentary CD will be given to each church upon request and individual purchases can be done via the following contact. All proceeds will go to local outreach.
Tel : 65 - 63443500 / fax : 65 - 63443600
Email : admin@churchofpraise.org.sg
Website : www.churchofpraise.org.sg
Alive! Conferences Worship captures the voice and heartbeat of a new generation of worshippers. Featuring melodies with words of hope, promise, revival, freedom and creativity, these songs inspire the passion and desire of every young person whose one purpose is to be the true worshipper that the Father seeks after.
In the Summer of 2003, about 800 youths from different churches and diverse denominations on Singapore gathered at the Cornerstone to worship Jesus and to seek His face. Everyone came together with a common desire to see this present youth generation realise their call and destiny in God... to become a generation that is marked by His Holy Fire!
Here I Am & Lead Us On - Eric Lee |

Eric Lee is one of Singapore's leading gospel musicians. He has penned two highly successful praise worship albums, 'Here I am', and 'Lead Us On' which have received rave reviews in Singapore and abroad in various organizations such as Radio Kingfisher in South Africa and the Christian music Association in the US. Impact Magazine commends "meaningful lyrical writing" found in Eric's songwriting. Together with his band, 'a2J', they push the boundaries of contemporary praise worship music while keeping to their strong rooted faith in the message of Jesus Christ. Eric's music has been given airplay in radio stations in South Africa, USA and his songs have been translated into Cantonese and Mandarin in countries like Hong Kong and Taiwan.
'Here I am' focuses on the intimate relationship between the believer and his God as heard in the piano orchestral piece, 'I just want to worship you' and the soaring ballad in 'Here I Am'.
'Lead Us On' captures the essence of dynamic contemporary praise and worship music. From the erhu strains in 'Strength of Your Grace', to the pop-dance style of 'Lead Us On', Eric delivers a message of running the race of faith', no matter what the circumstance.
email: trikorian@yahoo.com
website: www.ericlee.net
FUTURE by City Harvest Church, Singapore |
City Harvest Church is a dynamic church in Singapore that has experienced phenomenal growth. Led by their Senior Pastor Rev. H. Kong, the church has risen to new heights and caught the attention of many in Singapore and beyond. This album captures the live and dynamism of the church.
The album is produced by Yeow-Sun Ho and Richard Fowler. Sun-Ho has written several of the songs in the album and sung most of the main vocals. She is a dynamic worship leader and has a love for contemporary styles of worship. The music will especially appeal to the younger generation. There is also some foreign input into the album. Certain songs and musical arrangements were done overseas.
FUTURE captures the dynamic life and spirit of the City Harvest Church, Singapore.
E-mail: cityharc@pacific.net.sg
Tel: (65) 440 7477
Fax: (65) 440 0608
IT IS NOW by Faith Community Baptist Church, Singapore |

Faith Community Baptist Church is well known for their Cell Church. Led by their Senior Pastor, Lawrence Khong, the church has experienced phenomenal growth. Many churches across the world have modelled their churches after FCBC's Cell Church concept.
IT IS NOW is a live recording of their church worship. Most of the songs are written by their own members. The album is produced by John Koh, their Celebration Director and Robert Soo. John Koh , one of Singapore's finest song writers, wrote many songs for this album. The title song "IT IS NOW" is one of them and captures the spirit of the church and the urgency of the Gospel.
The music styles in the album are contemporary. However it does have some slower songs, like "All of my days" which was written from a deep personal experience with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Tel : (65) 377 3286
Fax: (65) 377 3285
STEPPING INTO YOUR PRESENCE by Faith Community Baptist Church |
STEPPING INTO YOUR PRESENCE is the second live worship recording of FCBC. The album is produced by John Koh, their Celebration Director. All the songs in the album are written by their own members. Susan Choo, in particular has emerged as an anointed songwriter, contributing 4 songs for the album. John Koh himself wrote 6 songs for this album.
The music is lively and captures the dynamic spirit of the church. This album contains lively songs like "It is good" and at the same time some reflective and anointed songs like "My heart is renewed".
This album will draw you into God's presence as you listen to it.
Tel: (65) 377 3286
Fax: (65) 377 3285

Every Breath is a contemporary praise and worship album by Jonathan Tan from Singapore released in February 2002. Jonathan is a worship leader and an emerging young song writer from Faith Community Baptist Church. All the songs in the album are written by him. Jonathan with his band recorded this album in a studio but still captured the worship aspects of his songs..
Most of the songs are guitar based and simple worship songs from the heart. The best worship song in the album is probably "Each Day I Live". This song draws you into God's presence, into the Father's arms. "I will offer my all" is a catchy devotional song.
For more information, visit his website www.jtworship.com
E mail: webmaster@jtworship.com