
Nick Choo |
Nick Choo
NICK CHOO is a multi-talented Malaysian composer/ songwriter, pianist, actor, journalist, writer and cartoonist who has worked with media companies in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.
He graduated with a Masters of Arts in Journalism, Public Relations and Creative Industries in 2006 from Murdoch University in Western Australia, where he performed in and wrote original music for many theatrical productions, including Follow The Light, which won in the Best Musical category in Western Australia’s Finley Awards for Independent Theatre in 2005 and was the recipient of an Adjudicators’ Special Certificate for Overall Achievement (Music & Construction). Nick subsequently co-produced Follow The Light in Kuala Lumpur in 2010 to critical acclaim.
Nick is the composer and librettist of the musical The Edge, which ran at the Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre in November 2013 and won for Best Original Book/Lyrics, Best Music/Musical Direction in the 11th Boh Cameronian Arts Awards (Malaysia) in April 2014.
His ten-minute musical Dreaming Outside The Box swept eight out of 14 awards in KLPAC’s Short+Sweet Musical festival (2013), including prizes for Best Musical Director, Best Libretto and Best Composition, Best Overall Production and the Audience Choice Awards, and recently made its debut in Singapore at the Esplanade Concourse, performed by Cheryl Tan and Mitchell Lagos. Nick has also been a winner in the Short+Sweet Musical festivals in 2010 and 2011.
He continues collaborating with his colleagues from Murdoch University on children's theatre shows every year, and most recently completed a successful run of the original musical Captain Quokka's Adventures on the High Seas (June 2014).
In addition to his musical work, Nick is a published author of four books. His most recent effort, the novel Bench, was published in August 2012 and is available on Amazon.com and other major online retailers.
E Mail: nick @ nick-choo.com
Website: http://www.nick-choo.com/