GT Lim or Pastor Lim Gee Tiong is fondly known by his church members as the singing pastor. This is not surprising as he has released 12 albums. His recent release Child of God was recorded in Singapore and produced by Mandarin pop arrangers Martin Tang, Kenn C and Jonathan Koh. This album features Christian songs written by GTLim in Hokkien. This is his third Hokkien album, the other nine are in Mandarin. He began writing songs as a university student in New Zealand in 1988. In 1991, he returned to Malaysia and released his debut album Chase After Life . He continued to write songs and release albums, even after becoming the pastor of Blessed Church in Kuching in 1995.
It was with his fifth album, Hold My Hand that gave GTLim a breakthrough. The title track, a Hokkien song about trusting in God, became a hit here, and in Singapore and Indonesia.
Lim, who has been channeling proceeds from his albums to his church or charity, will always see himself as a pastor first. “Singing is a secondary calling. Whenever the two clash, singing has to give way,” he said.
Website : www.gtlim.com