For Your Love - Patrick Leong |
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For Your Love is Patrick Leong's debut album. Patrick is already a regular face in the music scene, having sung back up vocals for some of Malaysia'a top secular stars like Siti Nurhaliza and Sheila Majid. He also sang lead vocals for Silenced by Your Love in Wah Lok's album Every Time I Pray.
But things are set to change as Patrick launches his own solo album For Your Love with 10 of his original songs. He brought together a team of fine musicians like Aubrey Suwito, Andy Peterson, John Thomas, Jamie Wilson, Beatrice Teh and Juwita Suwito to produce this album.
The title track For Your Love is a fast praise song with a jazz slant. Produced by Aubrey Suwito himself, you will certainly be caught up with this catchy song. Perhaps the most powerful song in the album is Hear My Prayer. Patrick's beautiful vocal expression of this song will leave you encouraged that God does answer prayers. For Your Love is an album you would not want to miss.
Email: pleongks@yahoo.com
Website: www.oops-asia.com
COOL by Fungates (Clarine Chun and Lim Chee Peng) |

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Fungates is already well known for their ministry among children. They run Superkids children's programs all over the country. This album is a recording of some of the songs by their Fungates founder Clarine Chun and her fellow worker Lim Chee Peng. Chee Peng produced this album. Many of the songs are good for children's worship.
The title track COOL is an interesting song with a mix of rap and fun. I think it reflects Clarine's ideas for children and how there should be fun in education. Children will love this song. There are other very good songs for children like Love Never fails, You are my friend and Awesome God. Chee Peng performed lead vocals to most of the songs. He also wrote some of the worship songs in the album I love You so and As I worship You O Lord and even a dedication song to Clarine entitled You are the one.
E mail: limcheepeng@yahoo.com
POWER - Live Worship by SIBKL |

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This is the album I was waiting for after I met Nick Lee who had just returned back from United States to set up a recording studio in Malaysia. He brought back a host of recording experience from United States and this is his first major project in Malaysia. Nick produced the album and arranged all the songs.
The title track Power is a catchy song and reflects the dynamism of SIBKL. SIB is one of the fastest growing churches in Malaysia. Power uses all the modern guitars and arrangement to bring out the dynamic beat in the song. Nick personally wrote this title track.
The live worship was led by Daniel Tan who also wrote the song Fly like an eagle. Pastor Kay Lee wrote In Spite of Who I am and Cross Over and adds her beautiful voice to these songs. Other original songs were written by SIB members , Osbert Chin, Christopher Chew, Weng Onn and Tabitha Kong.
This is certainly and excellent production.
Website: SIB KL www.sibkl.org.my
HEARTBEAT - Youth Live Worship by Full Gospel Assembly, KL |
This dynamic Youth album is a live recording by FGA Youth at Wisma FGA, KL All the songs were written by the Youth themselves and the youth band played during the live recording. The songs are lively and loud and reflect the heartbeat of the youth today. Many of the songs are guitar based and engages drive guitars making them very youthful and dynamic.
Lamb of God - Prody G |

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Lamb of God is a worship album of original songs by Prody G who conducts the orchestra at the Tabernacle of David. It is not surprising that this album is recorded with orchestral backing. Prody G has brought a large team of musicians together to produce the album. Chen Khin Wee who heads Orkes Praise Malaysia, David Rebano, Steve Harris helped in the orchestration. Doreen Tang from PJEFC and Johnben Loy from the United States sang the lead vocals in the album. The Canticle Singers, an outstanding Malaysian Choir also performed in some songs. The music style of this album is traditional and very worshipful.
Email: todavid@tm.net.my
Website: www.todavid.com
Golden Rain by Mayya |

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Mayya and her husband Igor are both highly accomplished professional musicians. Her compositions in this album demonstrates the beauty of simplicity as well as the subtle musical sophistication expressed in a wide repertoire of styles and interesting flavors. Mayya excels in the violin and plays the instrument with great sensitivity and colors
This albums contains very worshipful songs, and is a mix of instrumentals and vocals.
Mayya plays violin solos and Igor plays the Bassoon. The song Dance to the Golden Rain came from a dream Mayya had where she saw shiny showers of rain in the sky. That dream inspired the title of the album Golden Rain.
Email: todavid@tm.net.my
Website: www.todavid.com
Exalt - Altered Frequency |

Altered Frequency has emerged to become one of Malaysia's leading Christian bands. They have been playing together in many major concerts and conferences eg. Christmas on the Park, Youth Alive, Dream Malaysia, Soul Café etc. Having made a name in the local circuit with energetic, youthful and lively music , they are now set for greater heights with the released of their debut album Exalt. Most of the songs in the album are written by their lead vocalist, Andy Yeoh who performs wonderfully on stage as well as in the studio recording. The other band members are Agnel Raj (drums), Kysern Lim (guitars), Nicholas Teh (guitars), David Gary (bass) and Daniel Wong (guitars and vocals). Their live performances appeal very strongly to youths.
Exalt is an excellent album produced by Nick Lee who brought out the best in the band members with his amazing production skills. Exalt is Oops Asia second album. This is a good quality album which you surely do not want to miss.
E Mail: alteredfrequency@yahoo.com
P/s You can find out more about this band under "Malaysian Choirs and Bands" in this website or at www.oop-asia.com
DIANA WEE - Your Love Remains |

Diana Wee is a young song writer from Canaan Lutheran Church, Kajang. Your Love Remains is her debut album with 16 of her own original songs. Many of her songs are worshipful and come real life experiences.
Take it to the Lord was written when she needed God's strength to carry her through a difficult period whilst We Want Revival is her personal cry for revival in God's church. The two wedding songs Every Good Gift and On This day were written for her brother and sister's wedding. This album certainly reflects Diana's ability to write even at a young age.
Favoured Chick – Barbara Tipper |

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(14 song lyrics written by Barbara Tipper, 9 melodies written by Ng Wah Lok and 5 melodies written by Barbara Tipper)
Favoured Chick is Barbara Tipper's debut album with 14 of her original lyrics. 9 melodies in this album were written by Malaysian songwriter Ng Wah Lok and the balance 5 melodies by Barbara herself. Wah Lok also helped as the Executive Producer for the melodies he composed. The album was produced in Malaysia by Timothy Lee.
The title track Favoured Chick is a very catchy song about how we are very special in God's eyes. The album cover actually shows Barbara dressed as a “favoured chick”. Lighthouse is a very passionate song about God's direction in our lives. God is our lighthouse especially during the stormy periods of our lives. This song has jazzy feel and was performed by Filipino jazz singer Esther Rebano. Immanuel Waltz is a Christmas song about dancing during the birth of Jesus. Barbara crafted the lyrics of this song creatively and Wah Lok has actually put a waltz beat to the melody. Birds and Bees is children's song. The song is about various animals, people and all creation praising God.
Barbara's own melodies have a fun side to them. Her song Don't forget to bring your umbrella is an illustration of our walk in this world. There will always be rain and hence we need God's umbrella. In another of her songs called Alias, she shares about how God gives all of us a new name when we become children of God.
Favoured Chick is a very interesting album with excellent lyrics and melodies. Barbara displays an ability to write interesting, creative and philosophical lyrics.
E mail : barbaratipp e r@hotmail.com - Barbara Tipper
Website : www.angelfire.com/realm2/ g slworship/album.htm
More than Life - Integrity Music (Glenn Packiam) |
More than life is a compilation of new songs by various artistes recorded under Integrity Music. Integrity Music is one of the world leading recording label for worship music. Two songs in this album were written and performed by a Malaysian, Glenn Packiam. That is why this album is featured in this page. The two songs are We lift You up and You Are. This album was released in Malaysia in June 2003.
"Living Life to the MAX!" is a personal memoir of songs by Isaac Chang. In these songs, he shares his calling and other experiences with God. The music is contemporary. He writes the songs to reflect the heart of worship and his desire to penetrate the nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The title track speaks of living in the center of God's will, totally for Him. The song World Changers is a call to Christians to change the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are nine English and one Mandarin song in the album
Isaac Chang had a love for song-writing even as a young believer. From 1995 till mid 2003, he served with his wife in Hope Church Penang. During these years, he was involved in church-planting and discipling young believers. He also helped build the church's worship team.
Email: wellspringmusic@hotmail.com
Website: www.maxlifedc.com/wellspringmusic
Contact: Isaac Chang - (012) 201-3200 and (016) 434-2011
TOTALLY YOU - Acts Church |
Totally You is a compilation of 5 worship songs written by young people for the ACTS Church. The title track Totally You is an outstanding worship song written by Alex Tan. In Your presence, written by Jay Loh and Ryan Foo is another good worship song. Another outstanding song in the album Child was written by Jay Loh. Child has an intimate touch to it. Sandra Chin, Worship Pastor of Acts Church sang most of the lead vocals.
This is an excellent studio recording but it captures the worship spirit of the songs. The album is produced by Alex Tan and Jay Loh
E mail : info@aya.org.my
Website : www.aya.org.my