Patrick Leong
Patrick Leong has released 2 albums, For your love and Unto You.
His second release entitled "Unto You" was released on the 13 January 2006 . The album is a compilation of personalised worship songs that touches deep into ones heart bringing about healing, restoration and even the intimacy with the Almighty God. Comprising of 9 brand new tracks and an invited guest singer from Singapore , Galvin Sng of a song in which he wrote “Above All Else”.
"Unto You" will bring about change and transformation to the soul with the intimacy of the worth of worship unto God in the highest honour. Through the songs, messages and testimony of “Unto You” Patrick hopes that you will fall in love with the Maker of heaven and earth as you will be transformed, renewed and be blessed.
Patrick Leong is no stranger in the Malaysian music scene. He sang lead vocals for the song "Silenced by You Love" in Wah Lok's album Every Time I Pray . He has also sung back up vocals for some of Malaysia 's top secular stars like Siti Nurhaliza, Sheila Majid and international artistes such as Taiwan 's Wang Lee Hom and Indonesians Kris Dayanti and Melly Goe Slow.
However, his major break came when he was invited to perform the song Angel Tears at a Concert for Peace at Pangkor Laut in 2002, together with Luciano Pavarotti himself. Among the distinguished guests in the audience was Malaysia 's Prime Minister, Dr. Mahatir and Malaysian billionaire, Tan Sri Francis Yeoh. Angel Tears is a beautiful song written by New York Artist and Painter , Vy De Fonsey as a dedication to Sept 11 victims.
Patrick Leong's outstanding performance of Angel Tears is milestone for a Malaysian Artiste.
In 2003, Patrick launched his own solo Gospel album For Your Love . He wrote all the songs in the album. He has also set up his own recording label Oops Asia. With his distinctive voice, this talented singer/songwriter is already making a major impact in the Gospel music scene.
Website : www.oops-asia.com