Wah Lok
In this page, you will be able to do free downloads of full versions of my songs. Also available free are my teaching materials on music, worship, songwriting and prayer. The lyrics with chords of both my albums Every Time I Pray and Shining Stars are also available. You are free to use all these materials for personal consumption. For commercial reprints or song reproduction, you need to write in for permission.
Unless otherwise stated, I am the author of all these songs and materials. I am giving away all items in this page free for personal use. If you wish to give a offering, you can also do so by clicking "Give an Offering". Thank you for your interest in my music.
Pastor Wah Lok
Pastor Wah Lok
c/o Wisma Eagles
Lot 5, Jalan TP4,
Taman Perindustrian UEP
47600 Subang Jaya
Selangor ,
Tel : 60-3-80242270
E-mail: wahlok.fgt@gmail.com